Once you arrive at the Jedi Council for the second time, you'll be invited to join the Jedi Order, after the Council judges your mental state. The key here is to incapacitate the Jedi before he can do serious damage both whirlwind and stasis seem to have a decent chance of connecting, though he will resist your powers more often then not. Once you have your party set up, pick the lock on the chest in the room nearby to find Zaalbar's Bowcaster and other items. These are twitch games, no doubt about it, so casual RPG players may find these challenges a bit out of their league. This should goad the troopers into throwing their grenades if you run quickly enough, you may avoid their effects. (And really, how many guardians are going to be using long swords?). She had a bit of a run-in with a man named Holdan he drunkenly attempted to make an unwelcome pass at her, and she felt it necessary to teach him a lesson with a vibroblade. The door to the command deck is now repaired, so no need to go through the airlock again. On the flip side, Light side Jedi will burn fewer Force points when using a Light side power than would a neutral or Dark Jedi.